A Letter to our Black Men: Black Women are Enough!

She leaves her husband becuase she is tired of the enduring the relationship.

We have been duped to believe that black is not beautiful

Why are you following the trend that black women are not pretty and that they are loud?

Why are you believing the lie that white is synonymous with pure, chaste, and favorable?

I have several family members, who will remain unnamed, who have mentioned that “nobody is pursuing black women anymore these days.” Some family members told me that “black women are ugly, loud, and don’t know how to treat a black man.”

Who bewitched you to believe that our black women are not supportive of black men? Who’s spell made you believe that other ethinicities of women are superior? Why must you follow the trends of society that belittle you and disesteem your blackness?

What do you see when you look into the mirror? Are you not a king? Are you not brown, bold, and beautifully made in the image of God? What about your black mom? Is she a queen? Is she made in the image of God?

The black woman that carried you for 9 months in her womb prayed over you, cried over you, suffered over you, and still carries you though you have been delivered into this world. A world that hates you, added to the list of burdens she bears, enveloped by anxiety and fear.



Donté's Inferno: Igniting Faith, Hope, and Love

Donté's Inferno is not a descent into darkness but a rise towards the light through Inspiring homilies, heartfelt prayers, and soul stirring poetry, Don