I am Simply Being Me

I am comfortable with being me. This book loving drinker of coffee and tea.

I am used to pain and rejection,

why do people take advantage of my Godled affection?

Is something wrong with me? I dare not think

that something about me stinks

when the people with ill intentions

create trauma and drama and don’t even think,

they don’t even blink.

if my agression were to burst into flames

I would be the one to blame for the third degree burns

even though I was spurned.

I was hurt and abused.


so take that high road because

life is cold

as I’m told.

but when does it end God?

When can I finally trust

that I am safe and sound with being me?

protected from the people that create beef

believing that they have to compete,

though I am simply being me.



Donté's Inferno: Igniting Faith, Hope, and Love

Donté's Inferno is not a descent into darkness but a rise towards the light through Inspiring homilies, heartfelt prayers, and soul stirring poetry, Don